Rely on our family law specialists to navigate divorce matters with care and expertise

18 July 2023 225

Divorce is not only emotionally challenging but also a legally complex process. The latest divorce statistics in South Africa reveal a significant increase in the number of divorces, highlighting the importance of having a trusted specialist by your side to guide you through the rocky legal terrain.

According to recent data released by Stats SA, 2021 saw 18,208 divorces granted, marking a 13.1% rise from the previous year. These statistics also shed light on distinct trends, including an increasing number of divorces among black South Africans and a decreasing trend among white population groups. First-time marriages constituted the majority of divorces, with wives initiating the divorce process more frequently. Provinces such as Gauteng, Western Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, and Eastern Cape had the highest divorce rates. Additionally, these divorces impacted approximately 17,345 children under the age of 18, underscoring the need for careful legal navigation to protect their best interests.

It is crucial for parents and their attorneys to work together to find solutions that prioritise the well-being of the children, while also protecting the rights of each parent.

Parents can take the following key steps to help protect their children during this challenging time:

  • Ensure quality time with both parents: Encourage regular and meaningful contact with both parents, allowing your child to maintain a strong bond with each parent.
  • Maintain a routine: Stability is essential for children, especially during times of change. Establish and maintain a consistent routine that includes school, extracurricular activities, and quality time. This structure provides a sense of security and familiarity.
  • Minimise conflict in co-parenting: While disagreements may arise, strive to resolve conflicts peacefully and respectfully. Keep discussions child-focused and prioritise their well-being.
  • Ensure adequate financial support: Work together with your ex-spouse to determine fair and reasonable child support arrangements. This will help provide the necessary resources for your child's well-being, including education, healthcare, and other essentials.

At MP|W Attorneys, our family law specialists understand the delicate nature of these matters and are dedicated to helping parents navigate the complexities of divorce while keeping their children's best interests at the forefront. We strive to foster effective communication and cooperation between parents, guiding them towards agreements that promote the emotional and financial stability of their children.

Trust us to provide compassionate support and expert advice as we navigate this challenging journey together:

Related Expertise: Family Law
Tags: Family Law